Sunday, 19 July 2015

#DontJudgeChallenge: The Actual Truth

I'm pretty sure that most of you are already know about this #dontjudgechallenge which is a popular trend in instagram these days. People make videos of themselves with their 'ugly look' and then, in seconds, they'll transform to their 'best look' with proper makeup and better hairstyles (check #dontjudgechallenge hashtag in instagram for examples). Too bad, most of people try this challenge without knowing how and why this challenge started.

What #dontjudgechallenge actually is?

This challenge is triggered by a video uploaded by a beauty blogger named Em Ford. She started uploading photos of her face without wearing any makeup to her social medias. And as expected, many people gave negative responses, and most are insults about her pale skin and her acne, telling that she's ugly and worse: disgusting. Then she started to wear makeups again, and people said she's amazing, flawless, beautiful... But at the end, people keep telling that she's faking herself by wearing makeup.

So, this #dontjudgechallenge was started to support Em Ford. Through this video, people want to tell others that she was right that we should not judge people from their appearance. But a lot of people misunderstood what #dontjudgechallenge actually means. They took it wrong by wearing fake acne, fake unibrow, thick/messy lipsticks, fake freckles, etc. as their 'ugly look'. It seems like they're telling that people with acne, unibrow, and freckles are ugly, meanwhile people who wear makeups are beautiful. It makes the original message of #dontjudgechallenge (to not judge people by their appearance) is ruined. Having acne doesn't make you ugly, stop belittling people by giving them the idea they aren't beautiful.

How am I supposed to make my own #dontjudgechallenge video?

This #dontjudgechallenge SHOULD NOT used to make fun of ugly people. This challenge isn't intended to be a joke. This challenge supposed to be a way to tell people that we shouldn't judge people by their appearance. There's no standard of being beautiful! All of us are beautiful.

We don't have to join this challenge just because it's trending in social medias! What if people with those look you interpret as 'ugly' get offended? You just indirectly hurt other people because of your 'joke'. Make sure you understand what #dontjudgechallenge (or other challenges might trending in the future) actually means if you want to make one :)

"You are beautiful - no matter how flawed you feel, 
no matter how upset you may about the way you look 
or how hard you find it to make friends, or be confident. 
Believe in yourself, and never let anyone tell you're not beautiful - not even yourself."

(Em Ford)

I wrote this post based on this.


  1. Lots of people upload this video throughout instagram,
    nice to know "behind the scene" of #dontjudgechallange ;)

  2. I agree with you and fashion is just to enjoy it. xoxo

  3. great post dear :) thank you for sharing about the meaning of the challenge, and i feel the same with you, some people made that video just for shared to other how they are look pretty or handsome than people with acne, that is okay if they are really pretty or handsome, but if they are not really pretty and handsome and the transformation is the same before and after, so they are just embarrass themselves.

    followed your blog, now it's your turn :)

    1. That's right! Wish they could pay more attention to other's feelings :c
      Following you back dear! Thanks <3


  4. Great post ,i think people just started following the trend without understanding the cause

  5. nice post, its challenge is meaningful <3

  6. i watched the video, and it's actually an extremely thoughtful and effective commentary on beauty standards and internet hate. i don't have an instagram, but i've seen a few of the videos in the hashtag, and i feel like they miss the point. maybe because they're so short and quick, but the instagram videos seem to emphasize the shock element rather than the emotional and conceptual depth of the original video. either way, i'm glad you posted this and started a discussion here.

  7. totally agrees!
    appearances nowadays are taking over people's judgement.
    no matter how each individual looks, its still the inside that is most important. :D

    everything magical

    1. Yup! People really need to stop judging books from its cover :(

    2. exactly!
      thanks for visiting christy! (:
      i've followed you btw. <3 cheers for more great posts!

  8. hey there my dear :) cool post !its pretty! please keep doing more :)

    Visit my pages if you like and maybe you would like to follow each other? let me know and leave me your links aswell

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    1. Thanks! Sure I'd love to follow each other :)

  9. Wow this is so beautiful, I am so inspired by the video and the meaning behind it<3 thanks for sharing. Do you want to support each other's blog by following each other?:) Please let me know if you do so I can follow you right back x


  10. I kept seeing this hashtag pop up but I didn't realize the context behind it until now. This was such a beautiful read. Em is definitely an inspiration for being so open about who she is inside and out. :)


  11. Love this video and how the majority of the feedback is very positive and in support of the message behind it. Great post! Just followed! :)

  12. Great post! So glad that people actually know the real reason for this challenge!

  13. what reflects on the outside comes from inside, nice post btw!

  14. totally agree with this post

  15. such a great post and i agree of your opinion!
    style frontier

  16. wow nice post

  17. you got me teary on this post... Humans are really visual creatures but sometimes they use it in a negative way. Beauty should be always beyond what we see...;) Thank you darling for dropping by, and of course I love to follow each other, I appreciate your gestures, following you now actually. Just waiting for you to come back. ;) Have a nice and beautiful day!

    love lots,
    Cassie Thriftier

    1. By the way dear I follow your LB account.. <3 and G+ ;)

    2. Thanks! Following you back<3<3

  18. I really liked this post - followed :) xx

  19. I agree with everything you mention :)
    It's sad how so many people just blatantly 'misinterpreted' this challenge and have changed the connotation of the challenge into something really ugly..


    1. Thanks :)
      and yes, it's such an ugly truth that sometimes people can't understand the actual meaning of the challenge :(

  20. Halo, Christy! Aku suka banget sama post ini! Dan video itu ngena banget di hati!
    Meskipun aku bukan orang yang sering jerawatan (dan jadi ngga perlu mengalami komentar pedas yang double standard), aku kenal banyak orang yang seumur hidup jerawatan terus dan komentar-komentar yg ada di video itu udah kyk makanan sehari-hari. Waktu mereka nntn video ini, mereka nangis karena ngerti banget rasanya digituin.
    Ironis ya, judulnya #dontjudgechallenge tapi ujung2nya dipakai orang untuk ngejudge juga. Seharusnya kalo mau bikin hashtag itu, yang cerdas dan natural dong. Don't judge at its core!
    Thanks for writing this post :)

    Alive as Always

    1. Halo, Kak Visya!
      Iyaaa, ironis banget kak :( masih banyak orang yg gak ngerti maksud challenge ini tapi tetep ikut2an cuma karena ngetrend..


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