Saturday 28 May 2016

[Movie] Ore Monogatari!!「俺物語!!」

Romaji: Ore Monogatari!! 
Japanese: 俺物語!! 
Genre: Teen-Romance, Romantic-Comedy
Directed by: Hayato Kawai 
Written by: Kazune Kawahara, Aruko, Akiko Nogi
Release date: October 31, 2015 (Japan)
Production house: Nikkatsu, Django Film
Duration: 1 hour 45 min.

Hi guys! So today I'm back again with another movie review. Since I watch animes, I watch live-actions too! It's so great to see your favorite 2D characters become alive! Ore Monogatari!! is one of my all-time favorite anime. I don't read the manga though. The anime series is 24 episodes long. It tells about a love story of Gouda Takeo, a high school student who is very tall and muscular, but doesn't have much luck with girls as every girl she likes ends up falling for his best friend, Sunakawa Makoto. This all changes when a petite shy girl, Yamato Rinko falls in love with him!

I like this Takeo character so much. He's really my type lol. Despite his looks (well tbh his look doesn't matter to me. he's cute and all his boldness is breathtaking), he's a really good guy. He's polite, kind, modest. He would help anyone who might need his help, do anything he's still capable of for sake of other people. But most of people in this movie just don't get it! Such dumbheads. There's a scene when Takeo helps a kid drowning in a river. But everyone (including the kid and the kid's mom) sees him as kind of monster who came from nowhere. Then Suna, his best friend came and help Takeo. Suddenly everyone get dazzled by Suna's "heroic action" and Suna get all the thanks. Suna tries to tell that it's Takeo who helps the kid, but well, as I told you before, most of people in this movie are just dumbheads. This kind of scene happens a lot in the anime. It's pathetic, isn't it? When people only sees you by the looks and not by your actions :(

I like the main casts. They're perfect for the movie. Although I hoped for a cuter Rinko, but Mei Nagano is cute enough to play as Rinko. I thought they will make her hair brown like in the anime too, but well, you can see that black hair. Her acts are soooo cuteeee!! He acted so well that I can't see that it's only acting. I think Ryohei Suzuki makes a perfect Takeo, too! His facial expressions really resembles Takeo in anime. Love the parts when he screams "SUKI DAAAAA" (Japanese, means: I like him/her) in mind, it's so hilarious! Last but not least, Kentarō Sakaguchi is a perfect Suna, too. I like his calmness. He acts really cool and just don't realize it. As for the character, I like how Suna loves his best friend sincerely! Both of Takeo and Suna are good guys. Really good that I'm afraid there's no guy in the world might be as good as them lol.

The best part of the movie (in my opinion, ofc) is when Takeo and Rinko goes to a 'date' because Rinko asked Takeo to accompany her looking for a birthday gift for Suna. They went to a shopping center. They make a really cute couple together (they weren't couple yet on that date, tho)!! They also went to a Purikura and took photos together, the photos turned out really cuteeeeee!! This is one of my thousands reason of wanting to go to Japan: Purikura!! xD

Overall, I'm satisfied with this live-action movie. Actually, I expected this movie to be full of stories about Takeo and Rinko being couple, but no. The movie ends when they become couple. Great. But that doesn't really matter because this live-action is very, very good. A good live-action movie really matters to me as a person who watches anime. It sucks when a live-action movie of our favorite anime series doesn't turn out good. But this, is worth watching over and over again :)

Rate: 8/10

Thursday 26 May 2016

[Movie] The Angry Birds Movie

Genre: Animation, Action, Comedy, Family
Directed by: Clay Kaytis, Fergal Reilly
Written by: John Cohen, Mikael Hed, Mikko Pöllä, Jon Vitti
Release date: May 13, 2016 (Indonesia)
Production house: Rovio Entertainment, Columbia Pictures
Duration: 1 hour 37 min. 
Hi guys!! It's me again! So, I went to the cinema with my JHS friends last Tuesday. It was a lot of fun being with them again!! Missed them like hell, and the best part is we still talk each other like best friends who meet everyday. Oh, I also finally got my national exam score that day! I'm so relieved that it isn't as bad as I imagined it will be. Got over 9 for English and Bahasa, but my Math is totally up lol. I remembered how I only can answer 10 questions out of 40. So I answered the other 30 with my divination... Well, at least I'm satisfied with the score! :p

About this movie, I bet all of you guys already know what it might be like since the game was really popular back then. I think it was during my JHS years that Angry Birds game was really viral; everyone has the game in their phones. And yes, the game has sum up pretty much of the movie: Pigs stealing eggs, and birds want their eggs back so they attack the pigs.

So the story tells about Red, the red bird who can't manage his anger. He went to an "anger management class" and met Chuck, the yellow bird, and Bomb, the black bird. There's also Terrence (the big red one) and Matilda as their lecturer. They has their own stories; Red who just simply can't hold his anger towards people, Chuck who can't calm down for a while that he always dashed everywhere (he's so quick!), and Bomb who can't help but literally explode when he's surprised or pissed off. Nobody knows what Terrence's case was, and it seems that even Matilda doesn't want to talk about it. One day, a huge ship docked at birds' island beach. Then two pigs came out of the ship. Leonard, the leader, stated that both of them came in peace, and started giving the birds entertainment shows by the pigs. The birds enjoyed the shows and had party all day with the pigs. But Red knew there's something wrong with the pigs. Red warned the birds that the pigs must be up to no good, but nobody trusts him. And it happened. The pigs stole the eggs, all of them, and brought the eggs to their place. Now, how the birds supposed to get their eggs back? Watch it yourself ;)

For me, the movie was pretty boring at the first hour. Probably because the story is guessable. There's nothing special about the movie that makes me a bit disappointed since I expected so much from this movie because the trailer was really interesting. Well, since I'm not too satisfied with this movie, I can say much. Instead, I'll talk about my favorite characters. If I gotta choose, it must be the Blue triplets!! They was my favorite in the game, too bad they only appear in the last part of the movie. They are soooo cute in the movie!! And it's so sweet that it's Red who saved their life~

Overall, this movie is okay. You may watch this with your family because it's lightweight and there's so many laughs inside (but still no compare to Kung Fu Panda, if you ask me). This movie was really under my expectation. Well, it has been so long since the last time I feel unsatisfied toward a movie, thought. I hope Rovio Ent. will be able to make a better movie next time :)

Rate: 6/10

Friday 20 May 2016

[Random Chatter] #1: Negativity

I just don't get it. I worked so hard for everyone, showered them with so much love, wished the best for them, but they don't even care a little about me. This feels so wrong, but frankly, I'm so pissed off. Isn't that rude, disregarding each thoughtfulness of mine? I wanted them to be happy, but they don't care if I'm sad or glad. I wished them blissfulness, but they don't even want to waste their time thinking of me. Isn't that just... evil? I won't ever claim myself as an angel-hearted person, I'm not. But compared to them, aren't I? 


In life, people make choices. I choose them. But they don't choose me. It's miserable, how our path didn't cross each other. We just met, said hello, became friends, and then forget each other anytime soon. I once believe in "best friend forever" thingies, but then I realized that it's something impossible. Even if my path crossed theirs a few times, but since we can't stay at a same place forever, as we go forward, we'll leave 'that' path and make a new one. Pathetic, indeed. Most of myself think that the concept about "friends" works the same as "partner" does. Help each other, cares for each other, love each other, but no matter what, that kind of relationship will not be that much as we expect it would be. 


Growing up ruins everything. At least, that's what I can conclude for now: you graduated high school, and automatically become a jobless person. You just wake up, eat, watch TV, eat, take a bath, do some things online, then go to sleep, and repeat them all over again. Then you feel like needing to go get a job, but then you feel like don't want to let go of your freedom. But you know that you can't be like that forever, it's such a pain in the ass to burden your parents (both financially and mentally) for the rest of your life. You'll start looking for a job because you need it, not because you want it. 


Hi guys, so, this [Random Chatter] article is... Well, kind of article that contains my random rattlings? Every person has their own randomness, and probably this article is one of mine. I hope this kind of post won't bother you. It's just my way to spew my thoughts :) 

picture source: google. 

Monday 16 May 2016

[Haul] #1: Big Bad Wolf Books

Hi guys! So, this is my first haul post ever. Yayyy! To be honest, I enjoy reading haul post by people, especially if they put complete informations about items they bought. It makes the post informative and it means so much to me (so I don't have to browse over Google again to know more about the item). So, I decided to start making my own haul posts. My first haul post would be a book haul, since I bought some books from The Big Bad Wolf Book Sale Jakarta 2016 (read about it here if you're Indonesian). Here you go! 

The Maze Runner Series by James Dashner
IDR 200,000 from BBW 2016
People says that if you're a fan of Hunger Games, then you'll love Maze Runner as well. Actually, I tried reading first book of Hunger Games and stopped in the middle (but still considering to continue or read it all over again tho). Simply said, I'm not a fan of Hunger Games (yet, probably). But they sell this Maze Runner series for a very cheap price, seriously (for imported book series like this, believe me, 200K is very, very, very cheap)!! I can't help but to put it in my shopping cart. To be honest, I wanted the Hunger Games set too but I already have the translated version :( by the way I haven't open the plastic seal yet (soalnya sayang haha). I hope this series will be good because so far, the only series I've ever be a fan of is only Harry Potter series (exclude local series) xD

The Collector by Nora Roberts 
IDR 60,000 from BBW 2016
I'm not a fan of Nora Roberts, but I find the synopsis interesting so I think I'll give it a try. To my knowledge, she has two pen names; Nora Roberts and J.D. Robb. Nora Roberts is her pen name for romance stories, and J.D. Robb is for mystery/detective stories. I know it from my boyfie because he's a fan of J.D. Robb. Despite that, I've read the book until chapter four and the story has a pretty quick plot (in my opinion, ofc) but still great. Instead, the quick plot makes me curious about the continuation. By the way, it's still belong to mystery genre, although I see it has romance parts in it. I'll definitely make a review of it as soon as I finish the book! 

Kamus Sinonim Bahasa Inggris by Tim B First
IDR 10,000 from BBW 2016
Randomly found this little dictionary and well, probably the only reason I bought it because it's only 10K (cuma ceban cuy) xD

Classic Stories by Miles Kelly
IDR 105,000 from BBW 2016
Also something bought randomly. It's so heavy although it's not a hard-cover book. The "made-up reason" for this book is (based on my mom) for my little sister to learn English lol. But I think it's pretty good tho to fill spare time when you got nothing to do. It's full color and the paper used is high quality. Perfect for children. And as written on the cover, it's an enchanting collection to share! 

GraphisBrandingUSA4 by Graphis, Inc.
IDR 200,000 from BBW 2016
As a person who has passion in design, I must say that this book is gold. It contains a lot of design samples that would help a lot when you're running out of inspiration. And yes, it contains mostly product branding designs. Really good! I would rate this book 5 stars out of 5. I think this book will be useful for me in college. There are also other series titled as DesigningUSA, but I think it's too extravagant to buy more because it's my parents who pay. 

On the day I went to BBW 2016, I also went to nearby mall after. It's Summarecon Mal Serpong (as most people should already know about this place) and I also buy somethings there after begging my parents to check the store out first before going home lol. 

Baroque Glass Bottle (Banana Style)
IDR 39,000 from Yayang Store
I liked this cute little bottle for so long! I actually want one with Starbucks logo on it but it already disappeared from the store since the last time I saw it. I think I want to use it to bring hot/cold drinks in my bag 'cause it seems safe to. Plus, it's cute! xD

Colorful Eiffel Wooden Clip by Design Pub
IDR 14,000 from Yayang Store
Always wanted to hang photos in my room this way (using kind of rope and wooden clips) like other tumblr-ish rooms lol. And I finally get my chance! I think it's pretty cheap compared to other stores but I can get it cheaper if I buy it dozens at Tokopedia, but I don't have much money for now lol. 

Okay, that's all for my first haul post, guys! I hope it's useful for you and I hope I can make this kind of haul monthly because I enjoy it a lot although I don't shop a lot. Do you make haul posts too? Share with me! Put link of your most recent haul post in the comment section below and I'll pay a visit. See you next post! xx

Thursday 12 May 2016

Cocomelody: Designer Wedding Dresses & More

Here is one wedding and dress store. I believe you will love it.


Are you planning to get married soon? 
Or maybe you're going to attend a close relative's wedding? 
Whatever it is, I bet you need a perfect dress to wear. Especially if you're the bride! I know it's hard to decide the best dress, but don't worry. 
Even if what you're looking for is just a lovely dress as a guest, Cocomelody has the best dresses for you!

Cocomelody is an online store that provides you many kinds of wedding dresses, whether your style is elegant, classic, or romantic. But not only wedding dresses, they also provide dresses for guests, bridesmaids, and flower girls. They have men suits as well. And please, just don't worry about the price. Cocomelody sells wonderful dresses with a reasonable price and I'm sure you will have no regrets choosing Cocomelody. You can find everything you're looking for at Cocomelody!

Grace Luxury dresses
Do you see that recently, designer wedding dresses and beach wedding dresses are back into the trend? Cocomelody has amazing designer wedding dresses at affordable prices. Gathering various hot trends together, Cocomelody's designer collections are perfect for contemporary brides. They have LB Studio (fit for any vintage-inspired wedding), Lily White (features many simple modest wedding dresses to show purity and nature), Grace Luxury (delivers all the grandeur and elegance you could possibly want), Adorare and Faith by ANIIA (both will definitely take your breath away), and Ida Torez's. Among these six available designers, my favorites are LB Studio and Grace Luxury. But I like LB Studio's the most because their tulle dresses are just amazing (my favorites are the first two dresses on the picture below).

LB Studio dresses
I like simplicity, but if it comes to such an important event like wedding, I want it amazing! Much talk about the designer wedding dresses, of course I don't forget to tell you guys more about the beach wedding dresses! For me, an idea about having a wedding party at the beach is really lovely, because we can feel the happiness of wedding ceremony while enjoy the nature at the same time. Sounds really nice, doesn't it? And if you're about to arrange a beach wedding, it's your luck! Cocomelody also has great beach wedding dresses and some are on 30-40% off! Here are some of my selections:

Beach wedding dresses
What do you think? Don't the dresses look so enchanting? They may look simple but they keep the details awesome. And by the way, Cocomelody is offering free shipping for purchases of wedding dresses that costs $300+ by using code W4. It ends on May 31st, so what are you waiting for? Check out the website and start scrolling for your dream wedding dress! 

So, which one's your favorite dress? Share with me in the comment section below. I'd love to hear about it! See you next post xx

Monday 9 May 2016

The Big Bad Wolf Book Sale Jakarta 2016 | INDONESIA

Say welcome to the The Big Bad Wolf Book Sale Jakarta 2016! Sebelumnya, aku nggak pernah tahu tentang pameran buku Big Bad Wolf ini, tapi setelah baca-baca di blog orang atau di sosial media lainnya, aku jadi tau kalo sebenernya pameran buku sekaligus bazaar buku super besar ini biasanya diselenggarakan di Malaysia. Dan asyiknya, akhirnya Big Bad Wolf memutuskan untuk menginjakkan kaki di Indonesia. Yap, akhirnya BBW masuk Indonesia, tepatnya pertama kali di Hall 9-10 ICE (Indonesia Convention Exhibition) BSD Serpong, Indonesia. Diselenggarakan selama 10 hari, yaitu dari tanggal 30 April hingga 8 Mei 2016. Biaya masuknya gratis, dan pada hari-hari tertentu BBW buka selama 24 jam penuh (bisa dilihat keterangannya pada gambar). 

Banyak orang berbondong-bondong ke ICE BSD sejak hari pertama demi memuaskan rasa penasaran akan ajang buku murah Big Bad Wolf ini. Kalau sedang ramai-ramainya, masuk ke dalam hall-nya saja bisa antri sampai 30 menit, lho! Tapi untungnya ketika aku datang ke BBW hari Jumat lalu, aku tiba agak pagi jadi masuknya nggak ngantri, cuma agak berdesak-desakan saja. Pas masuk, ya nggak terlalu kaget sih, karena udah liat banyak spoiler di sosial media. Puluhan meja dengan tumpukan ratusan buku di atasnya berderet dari ujung ke ujung. Dan yang pasti, lautan manusia yang sedang berburu buku.

Buku-buku yang disediakan BBW sebagian besar adalah buku impor. Jadi, harga murah yang ditawarkan tentu saja harga murah yang pantas untuk buku impor. Ini penting ya untuk diingat, karena kayaknya banyak juga orang yang ke BBW mencari buku lokal. Di BBW ada sih buku lokal, tapi nggak sebanyak buku impor dan sebagian besar buku lokalnya adalah terbitan Mizan. Ada berbagai macam genre; romance, general, young adult, fiction, non fiction, cookery, art/design, fantasy, children, dll. Yang paling mendominasi? Children! Banyak banget buku anak-anak, dan selama di BBW aku sering banget liat suami-istri bawa anak kecil yang trolinya isinya buku anak-anak semua. Salah satu section favorit aku yaitu bagian art/design. Banyak banget buku yang super useful buat anak design (buat cari inspirasi), soalnya banyak visual book full color dengan harga terjangkau. Visual book full color yang super tebel bisa kamu beli dengan kisaran harga Rp.150.000,00 sampai Rp.500.000,00. Aku sendiri beli satu yang temanya branding USA dengan harga Rp.200.000,00. Pengen yang tema lain juga sih, tapi sudahlah, takut khilafnya keterusan! Soal harga buku fiksi yang biasanya jadi favorit, keseluruhan sih kisaran harganya antara Rp.30.000,00 (ada yang goceng juga sih haha) sampai Rp.150.000,00-an. Untuk buku lokal, kisaran harganya murah banget, dari Rp.10.000,00 sampai Rp.25.000,00-an (terutama yang dari penerbit Mizan). Jadi kalo kamu suka seri-seri dari Mizan kayak Fantasteen, BBW bakal jadi surga duniawi banget buat kamu, asal isi dompetnya cukup.

Aku datang ke BBW (bareng keluarga) dengan antusiasme wajar, jadi nggak terlalu banyak persiapan. Jadi kalo nggak sengaja ketemu buku bagus ya syukur, kalo enggak yah yaudah. Tapi untungnya ketemu lumayan banyak buku bagus juga. Tapi aku sempet ngarep bisa nemu bukunya John Green sih di sini, tapi nggak ketemu. Sebagai gantinya, ada full set-nya Maze Runner sama Hunger Games. Aku kesampaian beli yang Maze Runner, tapi harus merelakan si Hunger Games karena... Aku udah punya yg terjemahan, hiks. Salah satu hal penting yang harus kamu persiapkan kalau mau datang ke BBW adalah energi dan kesiapan kaki. Kamu pasti bakal kepo sama setiap sudut pameran buku ini, pengennya jalan terus sambil ngepoin buku-bukunya, dan yang paling melelahkan adalah berdiri buat nantri bayar. Kemarin aku ngantri bayar sama keluarga sampai menyita waktu kurang lebih 1 jam!

Overall, kesan BBW sih seru banget, seneng aja gitu ngeliat buku-buku murah yang harganya diluar ekspektasi meskipun nggak beli, haha. Konon katanya sih, kalo pihak BBW melihat penyelenggaraan pertama ini disambut baik, BBW bakal diadakan setiap 6 bulan sekali, tapi nggak di Jakarta terus-terusan. Semoga beneran terjadi ya, supaya para pecinta buku yang belum bisa ke Jakarta untuk BBW kali ini juga bisa menikmati buku murah dari BBW. Pokoknya two thumbs up untuk The Big Bad Wolf!

Thursday 5 May 2016

Prom Night: #AddictedToAMemory2016 | May 4th, 2016

Here is one wedding and dress store. I believe you will love it.


Hi guys!! Last night was my prom night, and it was really dope! Despite it was my last night with all of my high school friends and teachers altogether, I was really happy that I can celebrate this last event with them. So, the prom night was celebrated in Grand Ballroom of Novotel Hotel, Tangerang. And as you can see, the theme was "Addicted To A Memory." It was held from 5 pm till drop (about 9 pm). I was asked to help the prom night committee to help them as an usher because they lack of people. I started preparing my look from 1 pm and had to standby already in the ballroom at 3 pm. I'm so glad to have a new experience. I understand now that handling such a big event is hard. When things don't go as planned, some people might get angry for no reason and we have to deal it with a cool mind. I've never been an usher before and now I know that being an usher is super tiring, standing all the time and make sure the guests are taking the right places. Especially with the high heels lol (pegel!!!)

There were many kinds of performance; choirs, traditional dance, modern dance, solo singers, and a special choral group by the teachers! Also, there were bestowals for "king" and "queen" of the night, both from the students and teachers. They were selected based on how much they put effort for their appearance that night. The "queen" from the students was really beautiful, her dress was really cute! And from the teachers, the "king" was a Chinese literature teacher, Lǎoshī Santo, and the "queen" was Miss Verawati. Lǎoshī Santo doesn't teach my class, so I don't really know him, but his appearance last night sure was great! While Miss Verawati was my English teacher when I was in 10th grader. She's one of my favorite high school teacher! Too bad I didn't take any proper pictures of them. Well, actually, I didn't take any proper pictures during the prom. Most of the pictures I took are selfies and selfies and selfies lol. 

Soto Daging Jakarta - Novotel Hotel, Tangerang
The dinner were great, too! At least they were beyond my expectation. But I didn't took photos of all of the foods, I only managed to took this one above, it's Soto Daging Jakarta. The bowl was kind of cute so I felt like taking photo of it. It tastes good! There were also blackpepper beef, sweet and sour fried fish, fried noodles, etc. As for the desserts, there were many kinds of puddings (custard is provided), fruits, and mini cakes. The cakes was really delicious! So, I was taking everything to my table because I was hungry as hell (we had dinner at about 7 pm), but in the end didn't eat up everything. I'm a bad girl for this, I know right, so don't do this naughtiness of mine xD sorry chefs for not eating everything I took.

This picture above shows me and my favorite teacher! He's Mr Kautsar, he teaches multimedia lessons. To be honest, I'm not that kind of student that act super polite all the time. I prefer teachers that I can talk to like talking to a friend (but with still keeping the politeness and not stepping out boundaries), and he does. Plus, he's fat. You know, I have a thing about fat guys. I like them flabby more than skinny. At the end of my 11th grade term, there was an issue about him resigning, but fortunately he decided to consider about it again, and here he is, being my teacher until I graduate! He's really someone to be proud of. Love you, big guy!

I must say that these girls; Liva, Nabiilah, and Lorens are my high school best-friends that I spend most of my time with them. And I want you to know that we're not that kind of lovey-dovey best-friends that cries when we're about to separated or other crybaby stuff. We insult each other, but tbh, isn't it the actual meaning of being best-friends? Insulting each other without hard feelings? (Gak suka banget deh sama temen yg dikatain sedikit langsung baper. It's just like, EW.) During the last three years, we had some friendship issues, most because of differences and how we can't fully understand each other yet, but we made up then. I had great times with them, really. Love you guys! Although we won't meet everyday anymore just like we used to, I know that I can't forget all of our lovely memories! Wise sayings: For me, friendships are best when we don't take it too seriously. Because if we fall too deep, it may hurts when we break apart. I don't mean that friends are just for fun though, I see friends as important persons that really matters to me, but seeing further that not everyone think the same, I just want to avoid heartbreaks :)

Aaaaanddd... favorite man of the night goes to my dearest partner: Andi Kurniawan Narutama! I always love guys in suits (too bad still can't see my boyfie in suit directly, still never had the chance), and he was really great last night! I can say that he's my guy best-friend. I love him so much! We has similar likes and sense of humor. I really can't imagine how bad my high school might be without this cute guy!! Fyi, actually he was my elementary school friend. Then we took different middle school, and met again in a same high school. Isn't this a fate? Well, I know it is. Me without him is just a piece of dust (butiran debu maksudnya). We're planning to start working together for a same company in the near future, and please, wish us luck, okay? xD (talking about start working, I feel a bit uneasy. I think I'm still not ready for working all serious (ugh you know, I'm just too hyper). I'm scared I made a mess and others. Plus, I'm feeling like don't wanna let go of my holiday as a jobless person lol).

I hate how my face always look awkward in mirror selfies.
((marc jacobs dog case by @mistyshopp on ig))

Sorry for the selfies! I really want to post it here because it's so rare for me taking selfies wearing party outfit and makeup. I really want to say thanks to whoever lend me the makeup stuff and the senior (didn't know her name) who applied my eyeshadow, and also to Angel that I just met recently but decided this hairstyle for me (I like it so much!), and to Aureliya who helped me curl my hair (my hair is so thick that it need patience to curl it). I know I should've take photos earlier when my makeup and hairdo was better, but I forgot because I had to standby on my place as an usher in the beginning of the event.

cape blazer - @nimbstore on ig // jumpsuit culotte - @galoreclothes on ig // heels - local store
And finally, a look to share with you guys: my prom night outfit. It wasn't special though. The dresscode was dress and suit, and I don't have any nice dress to wear. I thought I gotta buy a new one, but I'm afraid if I buy it in a hurry like this it won't be good. I didn't put too much effort in my prom look. I bought the jumpsuit before the chinese new year, and the cape blazer last week. But I kinda like this look tho. I wanted to wear black so much, 'cause I think wearing black to the prom must be cool xD

boys: agung//jonathan//andi//derby//cansadiking//frans
girls: aureliya//sarah//me
Last but not least: it's the yearbook staff family photo!! I'm so happy that we finally managed to take photo of all of us because that guy on the most left, Agung, is really hard to contact that we can't take a full team photo with him. But thank God that he attended the prom so we can drag him to take photo with us lol. Working with these guys is great, although we had arguments, we can get through it. Too bad I didn't take photos with the prom night committee because my parents picked me up too early and I can't keep them waiting to just take photos with them. And yep, we still have work to do: finishing our yearbook. I hope we can make it in time so the yearbook can be distributed to all students with the last education report card (about in the middle of June). Just get ready for work, work, work, work, work, work~

This prom must be one of my memorable events in my life. The prom wasn't perfect, but the memories we made are perfect.

See you next post! xx

Selfie photos are taken using Samsung Galaxy J7.
Outfit and yearbook staff photos taken using Canon EOS 100D.

Sunday 1 May 2016

[Movie] Captain America: Civil War

Genre: Action, Sci-Fi, Thriller
Directed by: Anthony Russo, Joe Russo
Written by: Christopher Markus, Stephen McFeely
Release date: April 27, 2016 (Indonesia)
Production house: Marvel Entertainment, Marvel Studios
Rating: PG-13
Duration: 2 hours 26 min. 

Now, check out that tagline guys. "United we stand. Divided we fall." and that's what really happening in the movie. I really must admit that Captain America: Civil War is totally in the must-watch list of the year. Because all this movie brings is awesomeness! The fights, the conflicts, and even the feelings. So, I warn you, this review might contain spoilers. If you really hate spoilers, you gotta stop reading now and rush to nearby cinema and watch it yourself because you'll have no regrets! 

First of all, I wanna you guys to know that I'm actually not into the Avengers so I wouldn't talk anything about the earlier series like The Age of Ultron or others, frankly because I didn't watch any, but this 'civil war' thing really stole my attention. I never thought any idea about these guys fighting each other before, so this must be really awesome isn't it? Moreover, people give a lot of good feedbacks that really concerns me. 

As for the synopsis, this movie tells about this guy, Bucky Barnes, who get chased by the world for blowing up the United Nations' building in Wakanda, but get protected by the great Captain America a.k.a Steve Rogers. Surprising, huh? Turns out this Bucky is Steve's old friend and Steve believes him so much that he wants to take Bucky alive. While the Avengers is in their critical situation which they are 'forced' to stop being a private company and work for the government instead, Cap run away with Bucky. Of course Iron Man, a.k.a Tony Stark can't let him do such thing, either as a friend or as a part of Avengers. But to stop each other, both Tony and Steve lack of soldiers. So they recruited new guys, as you can see on the trailer already. Yup, they recruited the bugs; Spider-Man and Ant-Man! While Spider-Man is on Iron Man's side, Ant-Man is on the Cap's. 

And now, tell. Whose side are you on? If you're asking me, I'll proudly say that I'm totally on Iron Man's side. #TeamIronMan for life! So, right after watching the trailer, I decided to be on Iron Man's side, why? Well, because there's Spider-Man! He's so hilarious, probably too young to join the Avengers with his blabbery mouth, but his presence in this movie is really entertaining! To be honest, in the middle of the movie when the war happens, my loyalty to Iron Man was a little distracted (I'm so sorry, Tony!). I was like; I want the Cap to be stopped but I want him to runaway, too! But as the movie ends, I know. I know that I'm totally on Iron Man's side. For me, Cap's being too selfish. He knows that what Bucky did was really horrible, yet he still wants Bucky to be free. I be like "What the f, Cap? And you call yourself a superhero that would protect the world?" and I'm really angry to Steve now. Spoiler: the horrible thing Bucky did I meant isn't the United Nations' building. It's something more awful, believe me. 

Also, Black Panther seems to be a really important presence in the movie, too. His personality is really something to be proud of. As the king of Wakanda (after his dad's death), I don't see wandering out of his country looking for the person who 'killed' his father is right. But, well, if he doesn't then this movie wouldn't be as great as it has to be. According to other reviews, Black Panther's appearance is something new to the Avengers's movie, but this movie is enough to show his brief story, and there are people saying that he'll get his own movie on 2018. 

Last but not least, Captain America: Civil War is totally recommended to enjoy in the weekend with your loved ones. Especially if your loved ones are addicted to Marvel movies! #vrecommended #TeamIronMan. TIPS: As an unsaid rule for Marvel fans; don't leave the theater before the additional scene appears! 

Rate: 9/10